Endless Void

Avoid the void by jumping from platform to platform.


The player can score points each time a platform they landed on falls in to the void.

Double Jump.

The player can make use of a double jump to make the leap between platforms. This can be achieved by pressing jump again whilst in the air. However, you only get one double jump per platform. Once you land on the platform your ability to double jump will be restored.  Most jumps will require a double jump to make the gap. 

Speed Boost.

In addition to the ability to double jump you also have a speed boost. There is a limited amount of energy in the boost tank, so be careful not to use it all at once. If the tank is empty you must wait for it to regenerate.


You will find blue spinning boxes throughout the level, when collected these boxes will restore your ability to jump and also add 10% to your boost tank. In addition they enable the score multiplier for 5 seconds. This will multiply the number of points gained per platform by 3. This is cumulative so the more boxes you collect the bigger the multiplier. Each time a box is collected the timer is reset.


LeftWLeft Stick - Left
RightSLeft Stick - Right
JumpSpaceBottom Action (Xbox A, Sony X)
BoostShiftRight Trigger
MenuEscStart, Menu

My submission for the Godot Wild - 69 game jam. The theme was "void".


EndlessVoid.exe 104 MB
EndlessVoid.x86_64 97 MB

Install instructions

Download and run.

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